Auto Retailing
Auto Retailing
Automobile retailing is one of the most paper and transaction intensive environments in our experience. And that makes it an ideal application for our electronic content management (ECM) solutions. Auto dealers also work with documents of unusual sizes. For example, a Deal Jacket can have dozens of pages of paper documents – contracts, DMV documents, including credit applications that are 32+ inches in length. Our scanner line includes Fujitsu and Kodak scanners that can be set up for your credit applications regardless of length. Our ECM service to auto dealers goes well beyond Deal docs and Repair Invoices. Our systems help dealer/owners organize and secure documents from all aspects of the business including: Parts, Accounts Payables, Contracts, Insurance, legal and financial documents.
Our solutions are also independent of your choice of dealer management software, be it Reynolds, ADP, Lightyear and others. It is not considered best practice to populate your DMS with mission critical documents. The reason for this is that DMS systems will change over time creating file migration difficulties and added costs. Your ECM system works around and with your DMS, not in competition with it.
Dealers can accumulate documents at a very high rate. One of our dealers own a multiple-store organization that accumulates 500,000 pages of documentation per month. Before the ADocs ECM solution, many of these documents were found in bankers boxes stored in rented facilities and even one of their service bays. Today their documents are available with a click of the mouse and are more secure as well.
Another key benefit for dealerships that have multiple stores to manage is that accounts payable functions can now be managed centrally. Utilizing our electronic workflow systems, payables can be routed electronically for approval. Better yet, our CFO’s have a level of visibility into the payable process that would have been impossible with paper based systems.